AWS Glue Schema Registry Flink Avro Serialization Deserialization Schema

AWS Glue Schema Registry Flink Avro Serialization Deserialization Schema

The AWS Glue Schema Registry Library for Apache Flink enables Java developers to easily integrate their Apache Flink applications with AWS Glue Schema Registry

Versija Saugykla Papročiai Data
1.1.x 1.1.20 central geg. 20, 2024
1.1.19 central kov. 06, 2024
1.1.15 central kov. 09, 2023
1.1.5 central spal. 12, 2021
1.1.4 central rugs. 29, 2021
1.1.2 central rugp. 18, 2021
1.1.1 central liep. 08, 2021
1.1.0 central birž. 30, 2021
1.1.16 central
1.0.x 1.0.2 central bal. 05, 2021
1.0.1 central vas. 12, 2021
1.0.0 central lapkr. 20, 2020