Spring Roo - Annotations - Configurable

Spring Roo - Annotations - Configurable

Support for the introduction of Spring's @Configurable annotation through an AspectJ ITD.

Versija Saugykla Papročiai Data
2.0.x 2.0.0.RELEASE central geg. 09, 2018
2.0.0.RC3 central bal. 11, 2018
2.0.0.RC2 central rugp. 30, 2017
2.0.0.RC1 central kov. 03, 2017
2.0.0.M3 central lapkr. 24, 2016
2.0.0.M2 central geg. 16, 2016
2.0.0.M1 central birž. 08, 2015