TEAM Engine - Service Providers

TEAM Engine - Service Providers

Provides various capabilities such as support for alternative test runners and a REST API that exposes endpoints for executing test suites.

Versija Saugykla Papročiai Data
5.7.x 5.7 central
5.6.x 5.6 central kov. 31, 2023
5.5.x 5.5.2 central
5.4.x 5.4.1 central vas. 19, 2021
5.4 central gruod. 31, 2019
5.3.x 5.3 central geg. 15, 2018
5.2.x 5.2 central kov. 08, 2018
4.9.x 4.9 central spal. 11, 2016
4.7.x 4.7.1 central liep. 11, 2016
4.7 central liep. 05, 2016
4.5.x 4.5 central vas. 03, 2016
4.10.x 4.10 central lapkr. 23, 2016
4.0.x 4.0.6 central gruod. 09, 2014
4.0.5 central geg. 29, 2014