JTS Topology Suite

JTS Topology Suite

The JTS Topology Suite is an API for 2D linear geometry predicates and functions.

Versija Saugykla Papročiai Data
1.19.x 1.19.0 central
1.18.x 1.18.2 central rugp. 27, 2021
1.18.1 central vas. 26, 2021
1.18.0 central gruod. 23, 2020
1.16.x 1.16.1 central vas. 18, 2019
1.16.0 central rugs. 19, 2018
1.16.0-RC1 central rugp. 20, 2018
1.15.x 1.15.1 central birž. 29, 2018
1.15.0 central lapkr. 21, 2017