jOOR is a recursive acronym that stands for jOOR Object Oriented Reflection. It is a simple wrapper for the java.lang.reflect package.

Versija Saugykla Papročiai Data
0.9.x 0.9.14 central bal. 08, 2021
0.9.12 central liep. 08, 2019
0.9.11 central bal. 04, 2019
0.9.10 central gruod. 04, 2018
0.9.9 central birž. 12, 2018
0.9.8 central bal. 04, 2018
0.9.7 central lapkr. 30, 2017
0.9.6 central liep. 06, 2016
0.9.5 central kov. 05, 2015
0.9.4 central birž. 25, 2014
0.9.3 central bal. 29, 2012
0.9.2 central kov. 23, 2012
0.9.1 central saus. 17, 2012
0.9.0 central gruod. 29, 2011
0.9.15 central
.x RELEASE central saus. 01, 2000