

config specifying that docx4j should use the JAXB reference impls

Versija Saugykla Papročiai Data
8.3.x 8.3.1 central liep. 12, 2021
8.3.0 central geg. 31, 2021
8.2.x 8.2.9 central bal. 15, 2021
8.2.8 central saus. 05, 2021
8.2.7 central gruod. 13, 2020
8.2.6 central gruod. 07, 2020
8.2.4 central lapkr. 13, 2020
8.1.x 8.1.4 central gruod. 23, 2019
8.1.3 central rugp. 29, 2019
8.1.2 central liep. 31, 2019
8.1.1 central birž. 29, 2019
8.0.x 8.0.0 central bal. 21, 2019
11.4.x 11.4.8 central
11.2.x 11.2.9 central bal. 17, 2021
11.2.8 central saus. 07, 2021
11.2.5 central lapkr. 18, 2020
11.1.x 11.1.3 central rugp. 28, 2019
11.1.2 central rugp. 04, 2019