Axon Framework AMQP Extension

Axon Framework AMQP Extension

This module contains implementations of several components, connecting them to an AMQP compatible message broker.

Versija Saugykla Papročiai Data
4.9.x 4.9.0 central
4.8.x 4.8.0 central
4.7.x 4.7.1 central vas. 01, 2023
4.6.x 4.6.0 central
4.5.x 4.5 central bal. 02, 2021
4.2.x 4.2 central rugp. 16, 2019
4.1.x 4.1 central kov. 13, 2019
4.0.x 4.0 central spal. 18, 2018
4.0-RC1 central spal. 16, 2018