Apache Avro Maven Archetypes

Apache Avro Maven Archetypes

Archetypes parent defining configuration for generating archetype poms with the correct Avro version

Versija Saugykla Papročiai Data
1.9.x 1.9.1 central rugp. 28, 2019
1.8.x 1.8.2 central geg. 07, 2017
1.8.1 central geg. 17, 2016
1.8.0 central saus. 22, 2016
1.7.x 1.7.7 central liep. 18, 2014
1.7.6 central saus. 10, 2014
1.7.5 central rugp. 08, 2013
1.7.4 central vas. 22, 2013
1.7.3 central gruod. 03, 2012
1.7.2 central rugs. 18, 2012
1.7.1 central liep. 12, 2012
1.7.0 central birž. 07, 2012
1.6.x 1.6.3 central kov. 02, 2012
1.6.2 central vas. 09, 2012
1.6.1 central lapkr. 04, 2011
1.6.0 central spal. 28, 2011